After returning from task forcing I have found myself at a very low point in my life. I could not figure out what caused this until recently. As a task force worker you spend no time thinking about yourself. It is completely focused on ministry and the people around you. I loved it and now that I am back in school I feel selfish. My strongest desire right now is to serve ALL THE TIME. Not just a trip to the City Mission on Fridays but ALL the time.
Here are my slightly scattered thoughts about how my life needs to change and what I feel God is tugging at my heart strings with.
My heart is troubled. I have found that the church has a giant hole in it. As Adventists our typical Sabbath looks like this: Wake up late, eat breakfast, go to church, eat MASSIVE lunch, take too long of a nap, hang out with friends. This was pointed out to me by a friend who is Atheist. He saw this and questioned what we stood for. Why are we "wasting" our Sabbath. We call ourselves Christians but there is nothing Christian about what is listed above.
And here is the conclusion I have come to: Right now, we do waste the Sabbath with those very things. But it is only a waste because of how 99.9% of us spend the rest of the week, me included. I believe that if we spent the week taking care of others, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, watching after widows and orphans, and building spiritual, mental, and physical relationship with all those in need then by the time Sabbath came we would be so exhausted that we could use the Sabbath for what it is. A day of rest and spiritual reconnection, after a week of giving all you have for Jesus. People in need want something so much more than our offering or even, yes I am about to say this, our prayers. They need relationships and connections. A face that smiles, a heart that cares, ears that listen, and hands and feet that move to make a difference. They need JESUS. And since He is no longer on Earth, we need to be their "Jesus".
Think for a second about the life of Christ. How much time did He spend sleeping in, eating massive meals, and taking naps? He spent His time with the nastiest, filthiest people you could find (Luke 5:13, John 8:3-8), healing the broken (Mark 10:51-52), and feeding the hungry (Mark 6:37-42). What are we doing with our lives? Mark Twain once said, "It's not the parts of the Bible I don't understand that scare me, but the parts I do understand." If we are really working to be more like Jesus then why do we know that these are the things He did, but we do not do them ourselves? Luke 6:40 says, "A student is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher." If Jesus is our teacher and guide then we should be like Him. I have not lived as a living, breathing representation of Jesus and I think that it is time for change in my life.
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