Friday, April 8, 2011

Love Is Something Lived Through: The Ultimate Love Banquet

On Sunday, April 3, 2011 I hosted a banquet. This wasn't your typical high school or college banquet, but a banquet for the homeless.

On Friday it all hit me. I was in Campus Ministries going through all of the formal wear that had been donated by students. I finally realized all that I had to do to actually pull off this banquet. Friday went by so fast and I didn't get everything done that I needed to but was very ready to embrace the Sabbath after a rough week of school.

Saturday night rolled around and I decided to drag my friends along with me to WalMart to pick up all the things I needed, and thank goodness I did! I realized my list of things that I needed was nowhere near what it needed to be. I would have forgotten half of the food had I not broughten everyone with me. After this I began to panic. What else had I forgotten?!

Sunday morning came around and sleep was barely an option. I set my alarm and woke up before it went off. Since I couldn't fall back asleep I started my day in complete fear that I was going to forget everything. As I ran around from place to place, I was in constant prayer asking God to make sure I don't forget anything and that everything would work out smoothly. My mom and friends helped me so much by running around and picking up all the things I forgot, because believe me I did forget some stuff.

Decorating started early and we got done quick, which was perfect so I could run around town and drop off dresses, and hair and make-up stuff to the People's City Mission.

3:30 hit and the fun began. Getting the right size dress was difficult but we got everyone's hair and make-up complete and then ran people around town who we didn't have dresses for. This was the MOST stressful part of my day. I learned how truly greatful some people can be and how so ungreatful and inconciderate others can be.

I ran one lady all the way around town, litterly. And she was so ungreatful even to the point of saying to her friend on the phone, "I am supposed to be feeling like royalty but I can't find a dress in my size so I feel even worse than before." What a blow. I almost broke down. I tried so hard to help her and all I got was complaints, so I just took a deep breath and waited it out. Well, she finally found somoething to wear and we got to the banquet...... AN HOUR LATE. I was beyond frustrated. Thankfully, this was the only rough patch that we had.

Everyone who was there had a great time and really loved all the entertainment. I was told after everyone left that one lady came up to one of our volunteers, almost in tears, and said, "I have never seen my husband in a tie before" That statement alone made my entire night worth it.

1 comment:

  1. This is beyond amazing to me. I wish I could have been there! I'm sorry some of the people were ungrateful and inconsiderate, but remember, they are the lowly and dejected. They've spent their lives being treated and believing they were trash. Love begets love, and even if you didn't get to see the effects you loved that woman. And love doesn't happen without causing ripples in the water.

    I hope this is a tradition that lives on at Union and shines like a light until Jesus comes again.
