Thursday, December 26, 2013

I Am Thankful

I am thankful for my loving and supportive family. There is a lot of change about to happen in my life and I couldn't have asked for a better group of people to push me through it. I especially am thankful for my mom.

My mom and I have become very close through my travels away from home. Moving to California was hard on both of us, but the hard times only made our relationship stronger. Growing up, I did not want to be friends with my mom. I thought she was so uncool and did not let me have any fun. Now I realize my mom is the kindest, most loving, forgiving, and service oriented person I know. Even though I am moving to Washington, she still bought me a plane ticket to visit Colorado before I leave. This is going to cut our time together in half, but she did it anyway. She always goes out of her way to do things for not only her family, but everyone she knows. My mom is loyal and trustworthy, funny and strange. And I realize more and more how much I am like her. I never wanted to be like my mom until now.
I am thankful for the rest of my family, who even though moving means I won't see them very often, they still support me 150%. I love them dearly and so glad God has blessed me with such wonderful, hilarious, and crazy people in my life.

I am also especially thankful for my friends. I have the most amazing friends. Just like with my family I am leaving them behind which is hard on all of us but they continually support me and look out for me. I do not know where I would be without them. This move to Washington is going to effect many of my friendships by putting a lot of distance between us. It is a bummer but I know that we will make it. Moving to Washington also means I get to be closer to other friends whom I barely see, so it is an awesome growing opportunity for our relationships. I am thankful that so many of my friends see past the fact that I am moving and are willing to work through the distance. It truly is when you find who your true friends are.

God is good and I am thankful.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Life As We Know It

I was in the mood for some country music so I hunted down some of Lady Antebellum's new stuff and fell in love with quite a few of their songs. The song "Life As We Know It" (lyrics at the bottom) really stuck out to me. I am growing up, and much as I don't want to accept that, I have to. Of course, like I always say, I will only act my age when I am dead. Not acting your age is a choice but becoming and adult is not, which is dumb. College ends in less than one week. AHH. I move in just under a month. AHHH AHHH. I know that I have committed myself to ministry and I can't back out, but part of me wants to.

I have found that change is a positive thing. It is hard, but does life exist with out change? I am convinced that we just become adjusted to small, slow changes and when the big ones come we often feel that we don't know how to handle them. After all these years of sudden changes, I feel like I should be more prepared and maybe I am, maybe I am just overthinking it... like I always do. God has pulled me through, and He'll do it again. He always does. I will handle this, I will make it through. One day at a time.

One day at a time. That is how I'll be handling these changes. Some days will be better than others. One day. 24 hours. I can make it through one day. I can survive 24 hours. But I can't do it alone, I need God, my family, friends, prayers, patience, understanding, and a lot of love.

I know the road you know ain't quite the way you planned it
But the twists and turns are all part of the magic
And believe me you'll get through it, you'll see

So don't be afraid of the things you cannot change
As the sun surely follows the rain
I believe that you can't try to lead or control it
'Cause that's just life as we know it