Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Indecisive Decisions.

I am done at Union in one month. EXACTLY one month from today I will finish my last day of student teaching and officially no longer be a student for the first time in 18 years. YIKES.

Being a December graduate, I did not think I would have many job opportunities because not too many schools higher for January. I figured I would just stay in Lincoln and substitute for a semester until I could get a job for the following school year. Well, as you know, the Lord loves to shower gifts upon his children and so far I have had 3 job offers and one potential job offer. The Lord has blessed me in a major way! This was all so exciting but then when I actually had to start interviewing and making phone calls it became a huge stress. Where do I go? What do I ask? How will I pay off my loans? are just a few of the many questions I asked myself.

After many prayers, careful thought, and insightful conversations I have narrowed my options down to two. I am torn between these two options; I want to be in two places at once. But I can't be, so I have to make a decision. I don't feel God pulling me one way or the other and like Emily reminded me of Pastor Rich's words, "There is good and good, and where ever you choose, God will bless." It is awesome to be reminded that as long as we follow God's lead He will bless us in our efforts where ever we are and that He gives us choices in our relationship. My problem is that I am a very indecisive person and I feel that I need God to smack me in the face with where to go, but I just don't think that it will happen like that this time. It will be an adventure where ever I end up, but right now I just need a lot of prayers.

Father help me trust, help me listen, help me decide. Give me clarity, give me purpose, give me Jesus.