Thursday, February 25, 2010

Love Is Something Lived Through: Belonging

Have you ever had that feeling that you just KNEW you belonged somewhere? That no matter where you go your heart will always lead you back to that place and all the things that happened there?
I was thinking about this one day leaving my classes at Union College. It was a crisp Nebraska afternoon with the snow starting to melt on the ground. The wind slightly blew my hair out of my face and I noticed once again the beauty of the campus. For some reason, this time it really hit me hard. I realized that Union is truly where I belong.

I found where I belong and this is my story.

Picking Union was not easy, in fact I never thought I would end up there. I was debating between SCC and taking my volleyball scholarship to Dana College. Apparently Rich Young doesn't like to let too many students over look Union as their college so he bribed me with a job. "If you come to Union Courtney, you can work for me." It wasn't that I didn't want to go to Union, it was just very expensive and I never thought I could afford it. Knowing I could have an on campus job meant financial help, so I started looking into it. Talking to my parents about it, they weren't very excited. They both seemed to want me to take my volleyball scholarship, but when my mom realized that I was serious about looking into Union she did her research. The scholarship I was receiving at Union would almost match Dana. Now I was torn. My parents were warming up to the idea, and made sure I knew that where I went to college was my choice since I was paying for it anyway.
I had recently applied at summer camp and that meant even more money towards Union if I was hired. I still felt that volleyball scholarship pressuring me though. The Dana volleyball coach was so nice and the girls really made me feel welcome, definitely not making the decision any easier. After talking back and forth with the coach she set a deadline in which I needed to make my decision to take it or leave it.
The date that she had chosen just so happened to be the day of my senior pictures. Having not heard back from the summer camp I had applied to I told God that that would be my sign. If I got hired at summer camp then I knew He wanted me to be at Union, if not, then Dana volleyball would consume my future.
I waited. Waiting is not always an easy thing for me. I mean I can't even put a meal in the microwave without walking back to find that I still have to wait two minutes for my food! But I waited anyway, because I didn't know what else to do.
The day of my senior pictures rolled around and I still had not heard from the camp. I didn't have time to even think about it that day, because, as always, I was running late.
When my mom pulled in the drive way the phone started ringing but I didn't have time to answer, I still wasn't ready. Instead of sitting outside and honking her horn my mom came inside and told me to answer the phone. She said it was the camp I had been waiting to hear from. I ran over and picked it up and by the time I hung up I was working at summer camp. Not even thinking about what that meant I ran out the door and had my senior pictures taken. In less than four hours I got a call from the Dana volleyball coach and then it hit me. I wasn't taking my scholarship and God wanted me at Union.
It's not everyday that someone can say that they have found a place that they feel they simply just belong and I know I am so blessed to be able to say that I have found that place. The relationships, experiences, and good times I have had are something that I can never fully explain and definitely never replace.
So to everyone who has helped form my years at Union, here is a big thanks!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

I guess this is how blogging goes...

My first blog, this is the start of something oh-so exciting!
Let's just start off with my favorite song :) Enjoy

Happy Sabbath!